White Sulawesi Kratom

White Sulawesi Kratom


White Sulawesi Kratom Powder or White Vein Sulawesi Kratom is one of the best variants, Sulawesi is one of the exotic islands in Indonesia, an island that is blessed with many natural resources. White Sulawesi Kratom is made from kratom White Vein which is processed by drying in a room, and controlled temperature, resulting in a kratom powder that is rich in alkaloids and mitragynine.

23. In stock 1 kg . .



Sulawesi Island or Celebes is the eleventh largest island in the world located in Indonesia. Like the islands of Kalimantan and Sumatra, Sulawesi is famous for its abundant natural resources. Mitragyna Speciosa, or the kratom plant, grows wild in the forests of western Sulawesi. This is where the red sulawesi line comes from, this line is made from directly selected red veined kratom leaves, prioritizing the agricultural aspect, only harvesting mature kratom leaves, red sulawesi is already very popular among kratom lovers. This strain is very good at providing effects as a Mood Booster and energy booster with pain relief.


The recommended dose of White Sulawesi Kratom for a beginner is 1 gram at the start of the day. You can increase the dose gradually to 3 gram each day. consuming anything greater than 5 grams is deemed very high and not advised. good to always keep to the recommended dosage to help prevent unpleasant effects and addiction.

Some of the benefits of White Sulawesi Kratom are :

✔Increases Energy               ✔pain relief                ✔Improved Mood 

Additional information

Weight 1 kg


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